Zombie-Lucy doesn't settle for jerking the football away from poor, gullible Charlie Brown at the last second -- she just jerks his legs off!
This idea popped into my head a couple weeks ago, and I can't even remember what sparked it, but I knew I had to get it finished and out there before someone beat me to the punch. I've had one or two folks comment already about how they wanted Lucy to be more gored-up and decomposed, but in trying to stick as closely as possible to Schultz' style and the old-school traditional zombies (think early Romero) I really think that would needlessly complicate things and futz-up the simplicity of the cartoon.
Anyway, here it is in all its glory. I've submitted it to a couple of shirt-of-the-day sites, so we'll see if anyone's interested in printing it. If not, I might have to do it myself.