Original "clean" version.

I thought I'd pixelate the image to give it more of an 8-bit arcade feel, but it still doesn't make it work fully, and I was worried it might just seem like I blew up and altered a low-quality jpeg of the logo.

This idea, however, is merely halfway there. After drawing and inking the entire logo, skeleton and arcade machine by hand and compositing the thing together in photoshop, I realized that the dinosaur skeleton really didn't fit. It clearly helps tie it to the original source material, but it doesn't need that. The iconic silhouette and framing shapes along with the distinctive font hammer that point home well enough. There is nothing "classic arcade" about keeping the dinosaur skeleton (though slightly altered), and it just seems too out of place with the theme. So, it's back to the drawing board, and I have a much better solution to this problem, which I'm working on right now and will be posting soon. I did want to go ahead and post these here as a work-in-progress sort of thing, and to expose a bit of the creative thinking process and how I sometimes get ahead of myself and don't take the necessary time to work out ideas properly before executing them. More soon...
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