About five years ago, when I was just starting out in the world of freelance illustration, I created a GORILLA VS. SQUID design featuring two of my favorite members of the Animal kingdom duking it out and giving each other what for. It got me some attention, though it wasn't very good, and I had always planned on putting on a t-shirt or something. I had some bad experienced dipping my toes into the waters of dealing with screenprinters, and the longer I let the design sit, the less satisfied I was with it. Every once in a while, somebody comes across the design and tells me I should put it on a shirt or something, and while I love the concept of the design, the execution was just way below what I was currently capable of. So, even though you're not supposed to look back and keep reworking old pieces, I just had to dig this one out and recreate it with my current skill-levels, to see what I could do with it, and finally get it put on a shirt or something.
These are the rough pencils for the new, reworked design.

And this is the old, colored version.
More to come soon...